Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Boost Training Opportunities In St. Louis

I'm still finishing up the course, but OCI has started advertising the class.

Boost is a quickly growing and widely utilized Open Source C++ collection of libraries that provide tomorrow's C++ today. Boost allows developers to more quickly develop high performance production ready tailored applications. Many of the libraries are either already part of the draft C++ Standards Committee's Library Technical Report (TR1) or are proposed for the upcoming TR2.

I'll be covering the following Boost libraries.

Boost Test Library
Boost Conversion Library
Boost Smart_ptr Library
Boost Container Library
Boost Bind Library
Boost Function Library
Boost Lambda Library
Boost Thread Library
Boost Regex Library
and more...

The first class is scheduled for April 26 - 28, 2006 with three more offerings in 2006. OCI offers onsite training as well.

Boost Training Class